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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

December News 2010


2 ième année

Classe de Madame Villeneuve

December 2010

Bonjour Parents:


Some of the activities we did in November were to describe a poppy, learn about Pablo Picasso, review plural nouns and began to learn how to write a response to a question. In reading, we are focussing on reading for understanding. A key for reading is “Reread for understanding"?

Throughout December, the theme will be “Noël au Canada." We will continue to review the skills of alphabetizing by the first letter, plural forms of nouns and the “ent” plural ending of verbs. We will continue to review the sounds of many letter combinations, periods and capitals.

Our final spelling test before Christmas will be Thursday, Dec. 2. There are no theme sight words for December.

The children wrote a letter to Santa which they will bring home in an envelope addressed to the North Pole. If you choose to mail this letter, Canada Post will make sure Santa responds. Please add your child’s return address, full name (inside and on the envelope) and a stamp.


As ski pants, tuques, mitts, boots etc. are all so alike please make sure your child’s name is clearly written on all these items.


In the new year we will be skating during our phys ed time. Your child will need a CSA skating or hockey approved helmet and skates. We will also be cross-country skiing. If you have a couple of hours before the holidays to help size for ski boots let me know.


In adding and subtracting one of the strategies we are working on is adding doubles and doubles plus or minus one.

Mme Hill continues to work on numeration to 100.


We are looking at how different Canadian communities have different traditions at Christmas.

As part of this study, we would like the children to share one of their Christmas traditions for a special “Quoi de neuf” on Friday,

December 10. This will be the only “Quoi de neuf’ sharing time in December. Please help your child prepare by creating at least two sentences describing their tradition (they may be read or memorized). Your child may bring an object related to the tradtion to show. See the attached homework sheet.

examples: Chez moi à Noël ma famille a un grand sapin de Noël dans

le salon. On le décore avec les boules de Noël, les cannes

de Noël et un ange.

A Noël, mes cousins de Calgary viennent me visiter. On

mange la dinde. On échange les cadeaux.


We are continuing our study of Magnetism and should be completing this unit before Christmas. Watch for the study test on magnetism to come home. Spelling counts only when the word is in a word bank.


Library day is every Wednesday. Please help your child remember to bring their library books each week and to encourage them to choose books that are at their reading level. After Christmas the children will be allowed to choose books from the other side of the library if they wish. These books are usually more difficult. It is important that your child be choosing books that they can read.


This month’s habit is “ Put first things first”.

Check out www.TheLeaderInMe.org.


Super reading!

CHRISTMAS CONCERT...Wednesday, December 8

We are preparing our Christmas Concert selection with Mr. Korns and are working together with Miss Kitagawa’s class. The words for the song that we are doing are on the blog. The girls will be wearing a pointsettia crown. The boys will be wearing a Santa hat. We will be making these at school. (If you have some time in December to help with this let me know.) No other special outfits or colors are required. The children may wear their dress clothes.

CLASSROOM SPECIAL DATES (refer to Mountview Messenger for

other all school events)

Parent-teacher conferences-evening Dec.2, morning Dec. 3

No school-Friday, Dec. 3 (parent-teacher conferences)

Christmas Concert Rehearsal -Wednesday, Dec. 8 @ 9:00 a.m.

Christmas Concert - Wednesday, Dec. 8 @ 7:00 p.m.

(Please have the children meet in the classroom at 6:45 p.m. the evening of the concert.)

Noon dismissal-Friday, Dec. 10 pm only

Quoi de neuf? Les traditions - Friday, Dec. 10

Early Dismissal - Friday, December 17 - 2:15 pm


-- classroom helpers in November,

--the paint shirt washers,

--all the moms, dads, brothers and sisters who have been helping by encouraging the children to be responsible with their belongings, listening to their children read and helping with homework!!


Remember to:

Read daily.

Practise basic facts.

Practise spelling words, singular

and plural sentences.

Prepare your special “Quoi de neuf”.

Get plenty of rest,

exercise and healthy food.

Have a joyful Christmas!


Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël

Madame Villeneuve


Les traditions

Quoi de neuf?

For a special “Quoi de neuf” on Friday, December 10 we would like the children to share one of their Christmas traditions. This will be the only “Quoi de neuf” sharing time in December. Please help your child prepare by creating at least two sentences (in French) describing their tradition (they may be read or memorized). Your child may bring an object related to the tradition to show.

examples: Chez moi à Noël ma famille a un grand sapin de Noël dans le salon.

On le décore avec les boules de Noël, les cannes de Noël et un ange.

A Noël, mes cousins de Calgary viennent me visiter. On mange la dinde.

On échange les cadeaux.