This blog is designed to backup classroom newsletters and spelling lists. Every effort will be made to keep it up to date but please continue to check your child's linkbook for news and spelling. The first line of communication will continue to be your child's linkbook and hardcopy notes and spelling lists.
Friday, December 17, 2010
January 28 Spelling
January 21 Spelling
Monday, December 13, 2010
January 14 Spelling
January 7 Spelling
January News
2 ième année
Classe de Madame Villeneuve
Bonjour parents:
Happy New Year and welcome back to everyone!
In order to better prepare for “Quoi de neuf” presentations I have attached a sheet to this newsletter which will help the children with their sharing time. The children should think about what they can say about their item or
simply what they would like to tell the class and print at least two sentences in French that they can read to the class. The questions on the sheet are to guide them in thinking about what to say and to anticipate what questions others may ask. Please use this exercise as a practice in sentence writing (eg. capitals and periods) as well.
Boys “Quoi de neuf”-January 21
Please notice that the next two weeks’ spelling tests (attached to this newsletter) are made up of the number words and that there are no sentences. After the number word tests, the spelling lists will include the words for a review challenge which will be held on February 25. The list of 40 words are words that the children need to consistently spell correctly in their daily writing.
Madame Hill writes:
We are working on words to describe the order of objects (first, second, third and so on). We are continuing to work on our skip counting (by 2, 5 and 10) and overall number sense. We will continue to develop skills in describing numbers with words. We will begin working on our calendar math in word problems. Students will begin estimating numbers as well.
We will finish our first look at the geography and communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan and begin to study the people that live in these communities.
Please find attached a homework sheet on which to practise for an address test on Wednesday, January 12. After the test, I will send a copy of the test home for you to look at. If your child doesn’t get quite everything right, continue to work on it. I will be testing the children’s address again during the year.
Watch for information on a research project on Canadian animals to come home soon.
We are beginning to study hot and cold temperatures.
We will begin skating and cross-country skiing this month whenever the weather is agreable. Madame Villeneuve's class will be skating on Wednesday afternoons with Mme Pedde and Mme MacDonald’s classes. Children must have a C.S.A. helmet and mitts or gloves for skating. Help tying skates is appreciated. Just meet out by the skating shack on our skating day at 2:00. If your child has some kind of sports bag to carry his/her skates and helmet in, please send it. This helps to avoid clutter and loss as well as to keep the blades away from unwary children. An extra pair of mitts in your child’s skating bag is a good idea. Please make sure your child’s name is clearly indicated on his/her equipment.
We will be cross-country skiing on Thursday afternoons when possible. The only equipment the children need is warm winter clothing. Although the children should always have warm winter clothing, it is especially important on the days we are skating and skiing. If you can help as a regular helper for about 20 minutes on skiing afternoons to help tie boots, hand out skis and help put skis on please let me know.
LIBRARY DAY-Wednesdays
1) Wanted-empty shoeboxes for our Arctic animal dioramas. We will be carving our animals out of Ivory Soap. Please send two large bars of Ivory soap with your child and a shoebox for this project by January 7.
2) As a class, we are going to work on a New Year’s Resolution. We will work to improve our French Language skills by speaking French whenever we have the opportunity.
Many children are in need of new supplies. We would like each child to bring six new pencils. Your child has indicated which other supplies he or she needs.
__________glue sticks
Thank you to all the parents who were classroom helpers in December, washed paint shirts and sent special snacks. Merci mille fois for the wonderful support for our sponsored family and the Food Bank at Christmas.
Remember to:
Practise spelling words daily.
Practise for the address test.
Read daily.
Practise basic facts and counting to 100 by 10, 5, and 2.
Prepare for “Quoi de Neuf”.
Think about what to write
in your journal on Monday mornings.