1. le poisson
2. la mer
3. la plante
4. l'animal
5. le cheval
6. nage
7. bouge
8. marche
9. danse
10. pousse
1. Le poisson nage.
2. Neuf poissons nagent.
3. Le cheval marche.
4. Les chevaux marchent.
5. La plante pousse dans la mer.
This blog is designed to backup classroom newsletters and spelling lists. Every effort will be made to keep it up to date but please continue to check your child's linkbook for news and spelling. The first line of communication will continue to be your child's linkbook and hardcopy notes and spelling lists.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
May 12 Spelling
1. la bicyclette
2. le bras
3. la main
4. la rue
5. traverse
6. arrête
7. tourne
8. gauche
9. droite
10. rouge
1. La bicyclette tourne à droite.
2. Les bicyclettes tournent à gauche.
3. Le garçon traverse la rue.
4. Cinq garçons traversent la rue.
5. Dix filles traversent la rue.
2. le bras
3. la main
4. la rue
5. traverse
6. arrête
7. tourne
8. gauche
9. droite
10. rouge
1. La bicyclette tourne à droite.
2. Les bicyclettes tournent à gauche.
3. Le garçon traverse la rue.
4. Cinq garçons traversent la rue.
5. Dix filles traversent la rue.
May News 2011
2 ième année
Classe de Madame Villeneuve
May 2011
Bonjour parents:
We have completed our theme “Contes de fée”. One of the projects we enjoyed was writing a story using our watercolor castle paintings as a starting point and following the format of the story of Peter Rabbit. This story has been entered in the “Canadian Parents for French” writing contest.
The first new theme for May will be a mini-unit on Bike Safety . One activity we will be doing is drawing and describing our bicycles. The children will find this activity easier if they take a good look at their bicycles (colors, seat, brakes, handles, spokes, wheels, etc.). If your child does not have a bicycle they will be asked to imagine, draw and describe a bicycle they would like to have. Watch in the Mountview Messenger for information about the school wide bike rodeo which takes place on May 19.
We will then begin our study of “Les animaux sous la mer” ( Animals Under the Sea). which will continue on through June.
The last weekly spelling test will be on May 20.
The year end spelling test will take place on Thursday, May 26 and will be based on the attached list of grade two words (liste d’orthographe d’usage/deuxiéme année). For any of the nouns on the test the children will need to know the plural forms. I test only 40 words, (which will be chosen at random) but the children will need to study all the words.
There will also be a sentence test on Thursday, May 26 in which the children will need to know how to use capitals and periods as well as the plural forms of nouns and verbs. All of the words for the review word test and sentence test will be based on the attached basic list of grade two words which we have been working on throughout the year. There are no sentences to study. We will make them up on the day of the test based on the list of grade two words with a focus on plural forms.
The end of the year is fast approaching. If your child has not yet completed 25 hours of
reading, please increase the amount of daily at-home reading.
We are continuing our study of our three Canadian communities. Watch for information in the June newsletter regarding a field trip related to our study of the past.
Madame Hill writes: This last bit of the year brings two topics to our plate in Math. We are looking at various ways numbers can be represented in graphs (bar, pictograph, venn, line and tallies). From there we will look at geometry elements. Through this time we will continue to work on problem solving when working with double-digit numbers.
We are finishing our unit of “Exploration des liquides”. Watch for a review test to come home. The test will take place on Friday, May 6. Our next unit is “Les bateaux”.
Grade two students are wearing red shirts. The children will need their red shirts for the dress rehearsal as well as the evening performance. If you would like to send the t-shirt in advance, please label it. If you have extra red t-shirts that other children could borrow please send them (labelled) as well.
- those parents who were classroom helpers in April,
-all the moms, dads, brothers and sisters for continuing to encourage your children to be and do their best.
“Quoi de Neuf” Filles-May 6 Garçons-May 20 |
Remember to:
o Practise weekly spelling.
o Begin to review spelling words.
o Finish 25 hours of reading.
o Practise basic facts.
o Practise counting by twos, threes, fours, fives and tens.
o Think about what to write in your journal on Monday mornings.
Madame Villeneuve
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