Une tortue à San Diego

Une tortue à San Diego
Voici une tortue que j'ai vu à San Diego. Clique la tortue pour aller au blog de la classe.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Printing Tips

Mom and Dad,

I am currently reviewing my printing using the program Handwriting Without Tears. Help me use the correct letter formation when I am writing at home or practicing my dictée. Please help me correct any letters that are incorrect in my daily agenda. This will help me with cursive writing in Grade 3. This will also correct any reversals like b and d. I need to use the following information to help.

Reminder: I need to work with gravity and not against it. Help me make sure I start my letters at the top and go down. This is very important for all letters. If I start the letter s and j at the bottom I will make capital letters instead of lower case letters

Magic c letters: I can make the following letters using the letter c.

c o a d g q

D d The following tricks will help so that I do not mix up b and d.

Trick #1 for making a d: When I make the letter d I start with magic c. I never lift my pencil. I can say: c d.

Trick #2 for making a d: When I make the letter d I say: magic c, fly way up like a helicopter, come down and bump the line

B b The following tricks will help so that I do not mix up b and d.

Trick #1 for making a b: I put my left pointing finger on the paper. Left thumb is letter a and the pointer finger is b. I never lift the pencil. I can even put my finger pointer on the page to help me make a b.

Trick #2 for making a b: When making a letter b I say: Dive down. Swim up and over. Go around and bump the b.

Trick for not mixing u and n. The letter u rhymes with juice. The letter u is a glass full of juice. Do not pour it upside down. The letter n can’t hold juice.

The letters j, g, q, y, p all hang down like a monkey’s tail. If they are started incorrectly from the bottom they will not have long tails and they may even look like capital letters.

Thank you for your support!

Mme Carole Villeneuve