2 ième année
Classe de Madame Villeneuve
March 2011
Bonjour parents:
What a busy month February was! With March here, report cards will soon be upon us. Report cards will be sent out March 18. Interviews will be held Thursday, March 24 from 1:00 to 9:00 pm by request only (yours or mine). If you have any questions or concerns before or after report cards, please feel free to make an appointment.
Our theme for March is Les contes de fées (Fairy Tales).
There will be an emphasis on reading to discover characters, setting and main idea as well as writing to develop stories that have a clear beginning, middle and end.
We are also reviewing the following skills:
--plural forms of verbs, adjectives and nouns
--punctuation skills
-- “féminin” and “masculin” forms
The children worked very hard on their spelling challenge of 40 words and 5 sentences. Bravo! The spellathon challenge is on Wednesday, March 9. There are regular spelling words and sentences attached for March 4 and March 18.
Keep marking your reading. If your child did not bring their Reading Reptile record book on February 17 please send it to school. I would like to see how many hours your child has read even if they have not completed another page. If your child has lost their record book please indicate this in their linkbook and I will prepare a new one. Thank you.
We continue to review all strategies for adding and subtracting numbers to 19 with a focus this month on the numbers 8, 9 and 10.
Madame Hill writes: While we continue to work on our personal strategies to add and subtract numbers to one hundred we will also finalize our understanding of place value and begin to work with estimation using referents.
We continue to study Saskatoon, Iqaluit and Meteghan. We are looking more closely at the people and traditions of these communities.
We are learning that as Canadians, we are born in other areas of Canada
as well as other places in the world. Please complete the attached "Place
of birth" form as part of our study. (March 18)
We have finished our study of hot and cold. On Thursday, March 17 we will be doing a Science experiment with a potato. We will observe how heating a potato will change it’s consistency. Please send a clean potato (ready for baking) wrapped in foil on this day. We will be eating the baked potato as a snack. Feel free to send sour cream, butter or topping of your choice . Please include an eating utensil and a small unbreakable plate. We will begin the unit on “Exploration of Liquids”.
Super work with our Quoi de neuf activity. Most of the children are doing an excellent job of being prepared. Bravo! Please find another blank form to use for Quoi de neuf. If your child prefers to prepare the words using a different format that works just fine. It is really helping the children to have written what they want to say and having it available to read. Girls' “Quoi de neuf” will be on Friday, March 4 and boys on Friday, March 18.
Thursday, March 17- Bring a potato to bake, a fork and a plate.
Thursday, March 17-Wear green.
- to all parents who were classroom helpers in February,
- to all parents who helped with the skiing and the skating,
- for all those who sent Valentine treats for our Valentine party,
- all the moms, dads, brothers and sisters who have been helping by encouraging the children to be responsible with their belongings, listening to their children read and helping with homework.
Remember to:
Practise spelling words .
Bring a potato, plate and cutlery on March 17.
Wear green on March 17.
Read daily.
Practise basic facts and counting to 100.
Prepare what to say for “Quoi de Neuf”.
Complete place of birth homework.
Think about what to write in your journal on Monday mornings.

Madame Villeneuve